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Posted on Apr 22, 2024
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Rewarded Review
Auto-translated from Russian

The decision to take vitamins came when my son, actively preparing for the Unified State Exam, complained that he had trouble remembering formulas in physics and mathematics. A doctor friend recommended taking B vitamins, since they are responsible for a wide spectrum, including helping with heavy loads and improving memory and calming the nervous system. After a positive experience, I decided to choose vitamins from the same manufacturer. The dietary supplement contains a complex of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. This complex supplement has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, improves memory, and reduces stress levels. Based on such a huge range of effects of just one capsule a day, I decided to purchase this dietary supplement, and not only for my son. You need to take the capsule once a day; it is not indicated anywhere at what time it is best to do this. That’s why my son drinks when he comes home from school, it’s lunch time, and I drink it in the evening. The capsules are easy to drink, there were no negative feelings after taking them. I saw the result immediately on my son’s scalp. Due to nervous tension in the 11th grade, my son began scratching his scalp violently, leading to small wounds. The doctor advised us to use a certain shampoo, saying that after finishing school it would go away. And it turned out that by taking B vitamins, the itching went away and along with it the scabs. That's where they didn't expect it, it helped. On the plus side, my son’s nervous system has become calmer, more balanced. I began to do homework faster, which previously caused difficulties. For example, he began to write essays (his weak point) better. As for me, the vitamins also helped me. The functioning of the nervous system was restored, and I began to worry less about trifles. Memory has improved. It became easier to wake up. But the most important thing for me is that I have energy. If I used to come home from work and fall on the sofa, now I have the energy to do housework. The effect on sugar levels or thyroid function of this supplement is difficult to assess without comparative analyses. But I didn’t hand them over.

Posted on Apr 15, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review
Auto-translated from Ukrainian

t. What are group B vitamins? These substances were discovered by the Polish-American chemist Kazimierz Funk in 1912. While working in the laboratory, the scientist discovered a water-soluble crystalline compound and gave it the working name of vitamin B. This was necessary to contrast it with the already well-known fat-soluble vitamin A. Further research by scientists made it possible to find out that the substance discovered by Funk is not one individual element, but a set of water-soluble components of different chemical nature. They were united only by the presence of nitrogen in the structure of the molecule. The list of B vitamins has been revised many times. Today, eight substances belong to the group, each of which has its own name and serial number. ↑ Why are B vitamins important for the body? Each of the vitamins in the group plays its own unique role in the human body, but there are also common properties. The main function of B vitamins is to control cellular metabolism and regulate the activity of the nervous system. Benefits of vitamins of the group Undoubtedly: substances necessary for cell renewal; support the body's immune forces, increase its ability to resist viruses; important for the work of the stomach and intestines; participate in the regulation of blood sugar levels, preventing the occurrence of diabetes; prescribed for neurological and mental disorders, in particular, for prolonged depression, neuroses, apathy; recommended for anemia. Vitamin B is of particular value for athletes and everyone who engages in extreme activities, as it is responsible for the body's adequate response to stress. Since substances of group B do not accumulate in the body, our body needs constant nourishment. Vitamin B injections are prescribed for some neurological pathologies (inflammatory and degenerative nerve damage), as well as for vegetarians and the elderly.