Page 2 - Reviews - Mason Natural, L- Lysine, 500 mg, 100 Tablets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 12, 2024
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Auto-translated from Ukrainian

Lysine or L-lysine is one of the eight most important amino acids, which are not synthesized by the body and enter it exclusively with food or when taking food supplements. This amino acid plays an important role in maintaining health and many physiological processes. It not only has a positive effect on the functioning of individual organs and their systems, but is also necessary for the construction of protein, the assimilation of iron and zinc, the formation of carnitine and collagen. Lysine contributes to the growth of muscle mass, participates in the process of fat metabolism, the result of which is the release of additional energy. Also, in the course of clinical studies, it was proven that this amino acid increases the absorption of calcium, which in turn plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Lysine participates in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, in the formation of collagen and in the restoration of tissues. It also lowers serum triglycerides. This amino acid has antiviral activity, especially against viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections. If you need to take additional lysine, it is better to do it in the morning on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals. You can also use the amino acid at any other time, here everything depends on the final purpose of using the dietary supplement. It is not recommended to take lysine together with dietary supplements that have a high calcium content. This leads to the appearance of hypercalcemia.