Page 3 - Reviews - Swanson, BioPerine, 10 mg, 60 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Dec 3, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

Swanson's BioPerine has been an unsung hero in my supplement routine, enhancing the absorption of various nutrients at an unbeatable price. Here's why I give it a solid 4 stars: Effectiveness (4/5): As an absorption enhancer, BioPerine lives up to its reputation. I've noticed improved absorption of other supplements, maximizing their effectiveness. While it doesn't boast flashy effects on its own, its behind-the-scenes role is crucial for enhancing overall nutrient absorption. Ingredients (4/5): The simplicity of BioPerine's formulation is its strength. With 10 mg of pure BioPerine per capsule, it provides a reliable and effective dose. I appreciate the absence of unnecessary additives, aligning with my preference for clean supplements. Packaging (4/5): The packaging is practical, and the 60 capsules per bottle offer a decent supply. The clear labeling makes it easy to identify the product. A more secure seal on the bottle would enhance the product's freshness, especially considering the importance of potency for an absorption aid. Value for Money (5/5): Swanson's BioPerine is a steal. The price per capsule is remarkably low, making it an affordable addition to any supplement regimen. Its cost-effectiveness is a major plus, especially for those on a budget. User-Friendly (4/5): The suggested use is straightforward, and the capsules are easy to incorporate into any supplement routine. I've found taking BioPerine alongside other supplements seamless. However, additional guidance on optimal timing for consumption could be beneficial. Additional Information (4/5): While the product description highlights the role of BioPerine in enhancing absorption, a bit more information on how it achieves this and potential synergies with specific nutrients would be appreciated for a more informed user experience. In conclusion, Swanson's BioPerine is a must-have for anyone seeking to maximize the benefits of their supplement stack. Its effectiveness in enhancing absorption, coupled with its unbeatable price, makes it a standout choice. While there's room for minor improvements in packaging and additional information, the overall effectiveness and value for money make it a product I would recommend to others.

Posted on May 11, 2024